ā€œA different language is a different version of life.ā€

-Federico Fellini

I have invented my own written language which I call ACUS.

I strive to explore, invent, and expand on classic mediums- recently it's been language, specifically words. To manipulate and rethink and trick and play with words however I can. 


Growing up language has always been fascinating for me, especially because of my religious background. I grew up celebrating both Roman Catholic and Jewish Holidays, as my mom is catholic and my dad is Jewish. My mother is very Italian, so often times my Motherā€™s holidays exposed me to a rather Americanized version of Italian, whereas my Dads side exposed me to traditional Hebrew. With that said, I never felt apart of those languages in the same way my parents do.  

Keeping all of my experiences in mind, I focused on creating a functioning alphabet during this past semester that combines my love of visual art and curiosity for language.  


Iā€™ve succeeded in doing so, as Iā€™ve created a company of symbols that have developed into its own language. I don't like to call them letters, but rather symbols. My language consists of 26 symbols, just as the English alphabet does.  


So far I have created sculptures out of clay, prints that can be read and touched using the drypoint method, and a usable typeface that can be downloaded into any font library. I hope to expand my language by experimenting with sound. 

The Sound of ACUS

Spring 2023

This Spring I was gifted studio space by a generous donor. I was one of four students selected to be apart of the inaugural class of students gifted studio space. At the end of the semester we had an exhibition honoring our work. I aspire to be featured in many exhibitions, and Iā€™m grateful for the opportunity to have been apart of this first one.

What goes up

must come down.

For this gallery exhibition I had 24 hours to install my work, then 12 to take it down. This was my first small group gallery exhibition where my work was featured. Although the exhibition was brief, it was the most valuable experience I have had in undergrad thus far. It has helped me with time management, attention to detail, and overall impacted my approach towards installation art.

*It is important to note that the first video features my FIRST attempt at hanging my series. I went back and re-hung each print/plate twice more until it was perfectly leveled. I included this video because I think my process is just as important as the outcome.




The Mechanic